Ascent to the Bromo Volcano on your own. Is it possible?

Climbing volcanoes 


The question is there, is it possible to visit the Bromo Volcano on your own? The answer is yes. Yes, yes and yes! Yes friends, going to the Bromo volcano and visiting it for free and for free is possible. On the internet there are very different opinions on the subject, although, in Indonesia many people will tell you that you could only go with a tour... nothing... no matter. You can do it for free, you avoid the tourist mass of the jeeps, it is more fun and you also save a good amount of money..

Preparing what will be the Transvolcanica Asia Pacific I, and exchanging ideas and experiences to save as much as possible and enjoy a more genuine experience, I was able to get this information of incalculable value, because he did it, so the data is from first hand. And how am I to share all these traveling tips, I'll tell you how to do it... stay tuned and soon I'll post this interesting information

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VOLCÁN TELICA (3) / BLOQUES O BOMBAS VOLCÁNICAS /subiendo volcanes / divulgación geología / jorge maqueda (colaboraron en esta entrada: Pierre Lavina, Pippo Scarpinati)

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